Comic transcript

Marie decides to free Isabel from the other girls and says "Come on girls, lets get out of here." Acadia stops ruffling Isabell's hair up to swoop up to Casey, "Wait! Casey, make sure to watch out for the witches shop!" "huh?" "I heard there's a travelling magic shop going around town...filled with all sorts of dangerous artifacts, on impossibly long shelves, so long that If you get lost you'll never find your way out." Acadia tells him with a smirk. "My mom told me to stay away from it." Sun adds, but Acadia doesn't appreciate her addition and pushes her out of the way. "Then once you're in the witch's trap she might just eat you up!" She finishes with a dramatic hand curl. "Hah..." Casey laughs weakly "That sounds like something you would like..." She agrees, "Yeah! so let me know if you see it!" Casey points at something "Wait, is that it?"

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