Comic transcript

"Up up!" Isabell says when Felix greets her "Hey kiddo." and he picks her up and spins her around in the air. She laughs when he puts her down and keeps on spinning while he lets out a "Oof. She's, uh, getting pretty big huh?" Derron awkwardly agrees, "Yeah haha, I can barely pick her up now." Casey stares at him skeptically but Felix calls him out on this in a flirtatious manner, "Derron! You can pick me up, don't be silly!" Casey exasperatedly smacks his forehead at their antics. Isabell does not get it. While Derron clears his throat Felix moves on to address Isabell and Casey, "Anyway it's good to see you two. Is there a plan for today?" Casey thinks about it, "Hm." While Isabell jumps in with, "Kites!" Casey reminds her, "That's not 'till later Izzy." "Oh." "Felix suggests, "We can walk there slowly and check out the shops." "Yeah!" "'Kay." Isabell and Casey agree.

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