Chapter 6 start!

Hey there! Sorry I skipped last week's extra, I got sick and didn't really have anything anyway, I was going to show my maps and things but......I can't find them......So that's not great but I'm sure they must be in my room somewhere. Plus I figured it was OK to take it off now that Comics of the Week is over, it went by so quick!

But anyway we'll start the new chapter now, I'm exited for this one, something I've been waiting for will happen by the end and I came up with some character interactions that I wasn't expecting when I was going from writing to thumbnails. :3

Also I forgot this cute picture when I was doing the guest art spot! Chibi Terry.I got this in a fun detective event/giveaway byTuesday Mistgrave!! I'll try to update the gallery page by next week and sort out the extras from the archive a bit maybe. If I finish the page early. (....meaning I have not completed a buffer.... X-X;)

Comic transcript

Casey doing an exaggerated sneaking pose through a dark room, he is backlit by a glass door, Mouse is on his shoulder looking out the other way. Chapter Six: Revealed.

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